Truth Seeker » Guided Atheists

This is a relatively short video by a Christian atheist woman who converted to Islam and she tells her story and why she converted to Islam. She deals with some family issue regarding conversion to Islam and presents a wise piece of wisdom to all those who want to follow her suit and choose Islam.

Christian Atheist Woman Convert to Islam

This is a relatively short video by a Christian atheist woman who converted to Islam and she tells her story and why she converted to Islam. She deals with some family issue regarding conversion to Islam and presents a wise piece of wisdom to all those who want to follow her suit and choose Islam.

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Is it possible to draw close to God before you even begin praying, before even knowing about the deeds that please Him? That is a matter for those with deep knowledge of the Islamic faith to expound. And surely God can do as He Pleases with His creation. Touring the UK and the US, I have met many imams, in regions where shahadas are becoming rapidly more common, that have heard similar stories from reverts.

From MTV to Monasticism

Is it possible to draw close to God before you even begin praying, before even knowing about the deeds that please Him? That is a matter for those with deep knowledge of the Islamic faith to expound. And surely God can do as He Pleases with His creation. Touring the UK and the US, I have met many imams, in regions where shahadas are becoming rapidly more common, that have heard similar stories from reverts.

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No other religion professed by a large community have I found so comprehensible and encouraging. There seems no better way towards tranquility and contentment in life, no greater promise for the future after death.

A Personal Account of an Ex-Secularist

No other religion professed by a large community have I found so comprehensible and encouraging. There seems no better way towards tranquility and contentment in life, no greater promise for the future after death.

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I was more interested in “spirituality” and looking for anything that didn’t have to do with organized religion. To me, Christianity was out of touch and not relevant to the times. It was hard for me to find anything in it that I could apply to my everyday life.

A Martial Art Led Me to Islam

I was more interested in “spirituality” and looking for anything that didn’t have to do with organized religion. To me, Christianity was out of touch and not relevant to the times. It was hard for me to find anything in it that I could apply to my everyday life.

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I was a Christian in name only. While I did believe in God, I had not submitted Him as the maker and creator of my destiny. I felt that this was something I was better off handling rather than letting God decide my fate. Being raised in the West and subjected to the influences with which we are constantly bombarded, did not help the situation neither. In a word, you could say that I was living by my own set of rules.

Islam: A Home for the Heart

I was a Christian in name only. While I did believe in God, I had not submitted Him as the maker and creator of my destiny. I felt that this was something I was better off handling rather than letting God decide my fate. Being raised in the West and subjected to the influences with which we are constantly bombarded, did not help the situation neither. In a word, you could say that I was living by my own set of rules.

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So I was like a man without a religion. Fortunately I was not a man without a God. I even went back to the Catholic Church. I said I was born a Catholic, and I have been a Jehovah's Witness throughout all my life so I’m going back to the Catholic Church because maybe I missed something. I went back to the Catholic Church for about 3 months.

I Was a Man Without Religion, but not Without God

So I was like a man without a religion. Fortunately I was not a man without a God. I even went back to the Catholic Church. I said I was born a Catholic, and I have been a Jehovah's Witness throughout all my life so I’m going back to the Catholic Church because maybe I missed something. I went back to the Catholic Church for about 3 months.

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After some reading and asking several questions about Islam from others, I found that I really couldn't find satisfying answers to my questions. My philosophy of life took shape and I concluded that I was a convinced agnostic whose purpose in life was to continue the process of discovery of the universe.

God, If You Exist Then Guide Me!

After some reading and asking several questions about Islam from others, I found that I really couldn't find satisfying answers to my questions. My philosophy of life took shape and I concluded that I was a convinced agnostic whose purpose in life was to continue the process of discovery of the universe.

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I was born into an ordinary, non-religious Swedish home, but one that had very loving relationships. I had lived my life for 25 years without really thinking about the existence of God or anything spiritual whatsoever, I was the typical materialistic man.

A Photographer Finds Allah in Nature

I was born into an ordinary, non-religious Swedish home, but one that had very loving relationships. I had lived my life for 25 years without really thinking about the existence of God or anything spiritual whatsoever, I was the typical materialistic man.

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I grew up being one of the most anti-Muslim, anti-Islam people you could ever meet. This is true: I was. I had also been anti-Arab before moving to Cairo to study Arabic (I thought Arabic calligraphy was beautiful). I’d grown up in the States, raised on American movies, which always portrayed Arabs as fundamentalists, radicals, women-oppressors, religious fanatics, terrorists, never normal, average people

An Icelander’s Journey to Light

I grew up being one of the most anti-Muslim, anti-Islam people you could ever meet. This is true: I was. I had also been anti-Arab before moving to Cairo to study Arabic (I thought Arabic calligraphy was beautiful). I’d grown up in the States, raised on American movies, which always portrayed Arabs as fundamentalists, radicals, women-oppressors, religious fanatics, terrorists, never normal, average people

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That night I went online to begin my new spiritual search. I went to many online sites, and I ordered information from many of them. Then I went to, and I read a beautiful article entitled,

An American Mormon’s Journey to Islam

That night I went online to begin my new spiritual search. I went to many online sites, and I ordered information from many of them. Then I went to, and I read a beautiful article entitled, " The Fall of Atheism ." I read some interesting facts about the Qur'an, and I said to myself, this might be the way that God has led me. But it was still too soon to tell.

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