The Faith » Articles of Faith

The article talks about the belief in angels and shows their description, duties and the fruits of believing in them.

Islamic Beliefs: Belief in Angels

The article talks about the belief in angels and shows their description, duties and the fruits of believing in them.

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In Islam, God has established five principles which define the framework for the Muslim life. These principles are better known as the five pillars of Islam. Each pillar represents a duty which is obligatory upon every able Muslim.

Less than 5 Mins – Pillars of Islam

In Islam, God has established five principles which define the framework for the Muslim life. These principles are better known as the five pillars of Islam. Each pillar represents a duty which is obligatory upon every able Muslim.

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Why do we plead to Allah to ‘guide us to the straight path’? What is unique about such a prayer? What is the nature of the path we are supposed to be upon?

Islam: Guidance to the Straight Path

Why do we plead to Allah to ‘guide us to the straight path’? What is unique about such a prayer? What is the nature of the path we are supposed to be upon?

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Acquiring knowledge generally is not a luxury, and about one’s religion it’s a must When ever will we give the time and effort to it? How could we literally know about Islam?

Practical Ways to Acquiring Knowledge about Islam

Acquiring knowledge generally is not a luxury, and about one’s religion it’s a must When ever will we give the time and effort to it? How could we literally know about Islam?

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Instead of spanning across Africa to call people to adopt Christianity, the new Muslim preacher had a new mission to find differences and similarities between Islam and Christianity.

From Christian Missionary to Muslim Preacher

Instead of spanning across Africa to call people to adopt Christianity, the new Muslim preacher had a new mission to find differences and similarities between Islam and Christianity.

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In Islam, there are no churchmen such as the European church had. All people are equal and they are treated, as they deserve to be, in the light of their deed in life. The most honored of all people are the God-fearing individuals.

The Approach of Islam vs. Liberalism and Atheism

In Islam, there are no churchmen such as the European church had. All people are equal and they are treated, as they deserve to be, in the light of their deed in life. The most honored of all people are the God-fearing individuals.

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Nothing from human experience can let us believe that something came from nothing. Let us look at everything around us to know where it came from.

Does God Exist?

Nothing from human experience can let us believe that something came from nothing. Let us look at everything around us to know where it came from.

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What is the purpose of life? If you have never asked yourself this question before, you have to ask yourself this question now.

Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of life? If you have never asked yourself this question before, you have to ask yourself this question now.

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The teachings of Islam, they are as relevant today as they were 1400 years ago. In fact, Islam has all of the answers and solutions to all of our contemporary problems.

What Is Islam?

The teachings of Islam, they are as relevant today as they were 1400 years ago. In fact, Islam has all of the answers and solutions to all of our contemporary problems.

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Islam, being the last divine religion, complements the teachings of former religions, and confirms with them the rules of monotheism and faith in Allah.

What Is Islam?

Islam, being the last divine religion, complements the teachings of former religions, and confirms with them the rules of monotheism and faith in Allah.

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